"We take on the responsibility of your lice infestation,
so you can get on with life!"
The Gist:
1) Client has initial "Lice Removal" treatment
2) Client comes back for Paid "Follow-up" 3-7 days later
3) Client is given 1 FREE "Guarantee Head Check"
The Unconditional Guarantee:
1) If client has nits or lice during 60 Day Guarantee, Minnesota Lice Lady will retreat at no cost.
2) In addition, if you are re-infested, we will give FREE head checks to your closest friends to help identify where it's coming from - we mean it when we say we take over the responsibility and you will be done with lice.

We NEVER ask you to comb out - we are the professionals and take full responsibility for the work you are paying us to do
NO need to clean your environment from top to bottom (prudent cleaning guidelines will be given) because cleaning has nothing to do with our guarantee (and lice do not survive in the environment)
MUST wear hair in braids and buns during 60 Day Guarantee period.
EVEN if you get re-infested by a friend our 60 Day Guarantee is your safety net and we will give FREE head checks to your closest friends to help identify where it's coming from!!
The Finer Print:
60 Day Guarantee
All of our all natural, strand-by-strand treatments with a PAID follow-up check (within 3-7 days) include a 60 Day Guarantee. Exceptions include treatments done at camps, through organizations, county services, institutions or pro bono treatments. The paid follow-up must be performed to ensure all lice and nits were removed and the client has not been re-infested in order for the guarantee to be honored.
All family members living with treated member/s must be given head checks (unless traveling out of state) in the first 24 hours of initial treatment for guarantee to be honored. All family members found with nits or lice need to be treated by Minnesota Lice Lady in order for the guarantee to go into effect.
All clients with long hair must maintain braids or buns when in contact with people outside immediate household.
If you find anything suspicious during your 60 day guarantee, before a treatment appointment will be granted, we need to verify it is a nit or louse. Booking a treatment appointment and not having lice will incur the minimum charge of $45. To verify, you MUST either:
EMAIL/TEXT a picture of it
SAVE it in a zip lock bag or tape it to a piece of paper and bring it in
If it is a louse or nit, we will book the next available appointment and re-treat the client with guarantee for free to ensure 100% lice and nit removal. We will also discuss all possible 'contact' scenarios to determine where the client may be getting re-infested and give a free head check to close friends most likely to have had contact during that time period.